TEXT: 1 Peter 4:7-11

1. WHY WE SERVE MATTERS!  (Our Motivation)
  • To Glorify God – 1 Peter 4:11
  • Because Christ Will Return – 1 Peter 4:7a


  • with Disciplined, Prayerful Lives (v7)
    • Self-Controllled 1 Timothy 4:7-10
    • Sober-Minded Ephesians 5;15-18; Romans 12:1-2
  • with Genuine, Forgiving Love (v8)
    • John 13:34-35; 15:12-12; Romans 12:9-13
  • with Joyful, Open Hands (v9)
    • 1 Timothy 3; Titus 1


3. WHAT WE DO MATTERS! (Our Means)

“Gifted Service”

  • The Gift To Serve (v10)
  • The Types of Gifts (v11)
    • Leadership
    • Serving

Discovering Your Gift(s):

  1. DESIRE – What am I interested in doing?  What area of service attracts me enough to investigate it
  2. COUNSEL – What do others who know me well say/think?  Are they mature believers?  (Refer to the Motivation and Manner of our service)
  3. INVOLVEMENT – Dive in…serve with glad hearts.  See if what fits!
  4. OBSERVE – What happens when I serve?  Am I a blessing to others?  Am I depending on the LORD?



We will have all that we need for every stage/season of MBC’s ministry life if we will all be FAITHFUL, GENEROUS, and times SACRIFICIAL with our TIME, TALENT, and TREASURES.

Statement on Gospel Service in Leadership

We want to be organizationally healthy – A Jesus-ruled church

  • where biblically qualified elders serve the church body humbly as they lead, instruct the flock faithfully, pray for the flock affectionately, and shepherd the flock lovingly as those who must give an account for their care for the sheep; where those elders have mutual love and concern for one another, pray together regularly, push each other toward Christ, and seek to lead the flock together as co-laborers in God’s service;
  • where biblically qualified deacons serve the church with enthusiasm while striving to meet and care for the tangible needs of the body.
  • We want our internal staff culture to reflect this as well – made up of servant-leaders who foster a life-giving environment that pushes us all toward spiritual health as we work with one another to serve our Lord, His bride, and the community well.

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